Monday, February 17, 2014

Copper Treating Beekeeping Equipment Honeybee Brood Box Building, Honeybee Hives box improvement ideas, Deep boxes,hand holds enlarged, deepened ready for painting Beekeeping Honeybee Bee Hive Brood Chambers

Beekeeping Honeybee Bee Hive Brood Chambers 

Deep boxes,hand holds enlarged, deepened ready for painting
I do 25 at a time, these have been copper dipped and hand holds beveled up 15%
for better grip with saw at top.
All boxes are also dated with magic marker that lasts 15 years, I know age of all frames,boxes,tops
After 3 coats of exterior latex paint boxes are aged for a month to dry good.
Nuc boxes and honey supers all done the same way

Copper Treating Beekeeping Equipment Honeybee Brood Box Building, 
Honeybee Hives box improvement ideas

TREATED WOOD BEEHIVE BOXES, Deep Brood Boxes Honeybee Bee Hive 
Copper Naphthenate Preservative Treatment For Rot Preservation Air Drying 
Georgia Beekeeper John Pluta Apiary

PERM E8 Copper Naphthenate Preservative
 8% Copper Wood Treatment Beehive Hive Bodies, 
Beekeeping Hive Preservation Wood Rot Deterrent

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Memphis TN.