Tuesday, July 2, 2013

HONEY EXTRACTING during rainy high humidity seasons. Honey is like a sponge and will absorb moisture in the air.

HONEY EXTRACTING during rainy high humidity seasons.
Honey is like a sponge and will absorb moisture in the air.

This Honey extracting season has been a real challenge with constant rain during nectar flow and super pulling season.

During other low humidity dry seasons 
pulling frames as low as 70-75% capped is possible.

NOT this season, waiting for 90-95% lowest filled honey frames.

THEN going straight to honey house with De Humidifier running

After uncapping and extracting
Settling tanks or buckets should be covered to prevent moisture absorption. 

Honey will start to ferment in mid - high 20% range.

Keep your moisture low for a high quality product.

USDA standards
US Grade A honey can have up to 18.6% moisture.
US Grade B honey can have up to 18.6% moisture.
US Grade C honey can have up to 20.0% moisture.

Link below tells a lot about US Honey Standards
